Sunday, September 25, 2011

Pondering a career in illustration while drawing chicks with braids

I have been busy figuring out where to go with my art, looking for markets that might be interested in my style of illustration and I have found out some exciting things. For one thing, there are such markets! Of course, there is also plenty of competition. So one of the things I would like to blog about here at the Scribbleflowers blog, is my attempt to build some sort of career in illustration. 

Is it possible for a technical writer in her forties to transition to a new creative career without having graduated from art school? I have done technical illustration as a paying job, but not the creative illustration that I enjoy. I don't know how possible it will be to find my dream career, but I figure I might as well find out. If you are interested in building a career as a fine artist or designer or illustrator, you might like to compare notes. The research has begun!

One of the first things I found out is that I need an online portfolio. So okay. I found out there are some absolutely  amazing websites that let you easily create an online portfolio for free. I created one on

Whether or not I ever achieve financial success, illustration is fun. If you can find a career doing something you would be thrilled to do for free, then you are truly blessed. We have had two rainy weekends in a row and I have spent a lot of time drawing. I used to feel a little guilty about all the time I spent doodling. Now that I am going into business, I can honestly tell people I am working. I seem to be in my "Braids period." Can I share?

Smells like snow


And my personal favorite:

Morning coffee


  1. I smile every time I see a new post for your blog. I don't know what it is, but I just love coming here. I love looking at your drawings and reading your how-tos and whatever you want to write about. You make it so accessible. Not hoity-toity at all. Those kind of art blogs intimidate me.

    I love how you are just diving in and doing your research. I have NO doubt you will be successful!

  2. Well thank you Michael Ann for the encouragement. I hope I can find more people who would enjoy this blog. I guess the next thing I need to research is how to promote an illustration blog. : )

  3. Very nice portfolio. I say go for it!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

  4. I just came over from Michael Ann's Thinking In My Head blog. I really like your art (Dancer!) and encourage your process to illustrate creatively for $$. Since we are a little late (I am 49 and still trying to become a published writer), I think it's even more important that we enjoy what we are doing. Even if I never publish or get an audience to where I can be a full-time writer, I know I would never stop writing—because it increases the quality of my life.
    Best of luck. I have subscribed and look forward to reading more.
    Kat at

  5. Kat - Thanks you so much for following. Glad you like the pictures and I appreciate your encouragement. I am starting late too and agree that in our forties it really is important to sincerely enjoy what we spend our time doing. I've done what I like (drawing and writing) all my life but have not really channelled those interests into a career that I love. No more time to waste!
